October 22, 2007

Everyone, lets boycott ..

the school filter! The poxy thing blocks Youtube, imeem, crunchyroll and other stuff that's too much to count. INCLUDING GE CLIENT. *takes a deep breath*

Of course I didn't just find this out, but anyway, its a NUISANCE when you want to watch a few vidoes in school, just to chill out. Like me, chasing Naruto episodes for example. Its a BOTHER when you want to listen to music off the net. Thank god for project********. Its beyond words, how annoying it is. Lets BOYCOTT it! If I knew how to hack , that's the first thing I'm gonna do. Screw up the system so bad it allows everything that was previously blocked. Mwuahaha.

Oooh, and I gotta love the support that flows through msn. I was searching for 2 songs that I wanted, Purple Snow and Andalusian Rhapsody, and since I already uninstalled Limewire .. I wanted a legal download. And people I added centuries ago (I really can't recall, from EL I think) ask me, "Is that the GE OST you're looking for?" (they saw my msn nick) And I go "Yeah, do you have it? If you do I love you! If you don't I hate you." Just kidding, but you get my drift.

And then, wonders of all wonders. Mid/late afternoon, guess who came online? Teh super duper Mr Search Engine Abuser. (mwah) Ben, said "I have the OST". I'm like stupefied. All I get are dead links! Or links that lead to real player, and I need to get Real Player PRO to dwld it. T_T So how did he get those?

He answered: "Google." Specifically, torrents. *!! omg ..* (I'm a loyal Yahoo fan) Why didn't I think of it .. nvm. To cut things short, he found all teh music I needed. Which makes me very happy. And also very in his debt :D My treat next time, perhaps ^_^

For sch today .. I'll just say that Ms Loh is a kan-cheong spider. And that as usual (on a daily basis), I had something chocolatey =)

I'll just leave you all this playlist for your enjoyment =)

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